How To Write Articles That Will Get You Up To 5000 Views A Day

3 min readAug 25, 2021


How To Write Articles That Will Get You Up To 5000 Views A Day

There are distinctive approaches to make significant articles and to earn substantial sums of money composing on the web. Before I talk about those strategies, let me reveal to you that not all that we compose gets enough peruses/sees regardless of how long we spend composing those pieces. Just 3 out of 10 articles you compose may become a web sensation and will earn substantial sums of money. The remainder of the posts might stay unseen regardless of whether they offer more benefit and are superior to your viral articles.

Everyone needs to compose articles that get enough perspectives and make them up to $1000, yet this isn’t generally conceivable. Kindly recall the accompanying things to make something incredible for the peruser.

Become A Good Observer And Reader

In case you are composing on Medium for cash, I recommend you become a decent peruser and eyewitness. Take a gander at the things top Medium essayists are for the most part discussing. Peruse as many pieces a day as you can and acquire sufficient information. Or disaster will be imminent, we can say that you ought to get some motivation in the wake of noticing things appropriately. This will assist you with making special, drawing in, and enlightening substance and will allow you to bring in nice cash each month.

Ask Questions

Regardless of whether you compose an inquiry toward the start of your post, in the mid or toward the end, it should encourage the peruser to discover the appropriate response. The inquiry shouldn’t be perplexing. All things considered, it ought to be identified with your story and should urge the crowd to peruse the entire piece to find the solution. In the event that you pose more than one inquiry, ensure you finish up your piece subsequent to noting every one of them.

Share Personal Stories

It is probably the best thing you will do on Medium. I regularly share my biographies with the intended interest group and it assists me with getting heaps of perspectives/peruses each and every day. Regardless of whether your story is identified with your own life or expert life, it should offer some benefit to the peruser. They shouldn’t feel exhausted subsequent to understanding it yet should leave with information and loads of data. A decent method to get speedy peruses is that you ought to compose passionate stories. For example, you can discuss your folks, your kin or the accomplice who undermined you. On the off chance that you choose to share your procuring reports to move different journalists, ensure you have embedded enough screen captures.

Tell One Story At A Time

In the event that you choose to compose an article of 500 to 700 words, you should recount to one story in the post. There is no compelling reason to cover various things at the same time since this might confound the peruser and will ask them to leave your page without perusing any more stuff. The reason for recounting each story in turn is to keep things direct. For example, on the off chance that you have two occurrences to discuss, you ought to examine them in two unique articles, not in a solitary post. Remember to compose a decent presentation.

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